Building Maxima on Ubuntu running in Sun Virtual Box
Subject: Building Maxima on Ubuntu running in Sun Virtual Box
From: Richard Hennessy
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2010 00:01:06 -0500
Yes I am using GCL on Windows. I will try Lisp too. I am using CMUCL on the VirtualBox with Ubuntu and I
got Maxima to run today using the Lisp-only technique. I am still working on this. The test suite runs with some
unexpected errors. I don't have the details right now.
Thanks again,
From: "Raymond Toy" <toy.raymond at>
Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2010 9:57 PM
To: <maxima at>
Subject: Re: [Maxima] Building Maxima on Ubuntu running in Sun Virtual Box
> On 2/13/10 9:14 PM, Richard Hennessy wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply and others.
>> I am interested in building Maxima from source so I can add more
>> memory to it. It seems that the Windows version does not allow you to
>> change the memory allocated. If I am wrong about that then I would
>> build it on Windows.
> I'm pretty sure Maxima has no limits on memory usage. If there are
> limits, it is from the underlying Lisp. It sounds like you're using gcl
> on Windows. Perhaps you can try ccl ( or maybe
> clisp. I know Maxima works fine with ccl on Mac OS X. It probably
> works fine on Windows too. (I've never tried Maxima on windows, so I
> don't know the state of Maxima and Lisp on Windows.)
> Ray
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