empty files with strange names are created during processing of Maxima commands


Sometimes during Maxima processing empty files are created. These files are
placed in the current directory (The directory from which you made
 request to the Maxima).

I did not do any explicit commands to create files. Unfortunately, I could
not find commands that do such activity.

Empty files are created with strange names like:
each filename is a lisp expression.

((mequal) _151b ((mquotient) 3 2))
((mequal) _152a 1)
((mequal) _152a 2)
((mequal) _152a 6.571428)
((mequal) _152a 8.3)
((mequal) _152a ((mminus) 0.3))
((mequal) _152a? ((mplus) ((mquotient) ((mtimes) 2 ((% sqrt) 106)) 15)
((mminus) 0.53)))
((mequal) _152a ((mplus) ((mquotient) ((% sqrt) 2) 3) ((mminus) 0.3)))
((mequal) _152a ((mplus) ((mquotient) ((% sqrt) 241) 6) 0.16))
((mequal) _152a ((mplus) ((mquotient) ((% sqrt) 334) 12) 0.16))
((mequal) _152a ((mplus) ((mquotient) ((% sqrt) 793) 12) 0.916))
((mexpt) ((mquotient) 2 $ x) 3)
((mexpt) ((mquotient) 5 $ x) 3)
((mplus) (# 1 = (mtimes) 13 (# 2 = (mexpt) $ x 4))? ((mminus) (# 1 # 5 (# 2
# $ x 2) (# 2 # $ x 7) )))
((mplus) ((mtimes) 1 $ x) 6)
((mquotient) 2 ((mexpt) $ x 3))
((mquotient) 5 ((mexpt) $ x 3))
((mtimes) 4 ((mexpt) $ x ((mminus) 0.17)))
((mtimes) 4? ((mquotient) ((mexpt) $ x (# 1 = (mplus) (# 2 = (mminus) 0.17)
1))? (# 1 # (# 2 # 0.17) 1)))
((mtimes) $ b $ c ((mexpt) $ e 2))
((mtimes) $ y $ j)

Thank you.

Best regards,
Misha Denisenko