
On Sun, 2010-03-07 at 16:29 -0800, muna ady wrote:
> I installed Maxima and wxMaxima in Ubuntu, but when I ran an ode2
> command, I got problem as below:
> > ode2('diff(y,x,2)+'diff(y,x)-6*y=0, y, x);
> >
> Could not find `ode2.mac' using paths in file_search_maxima,system.#0:
> ode2(?_l=['diff(y,x,2)+'diff(y,x,1)-6*y = 0,y,x]) -- an error.  To
> debug this try debugmode(true);
> Could you give me solution? 

In a terminal, write:
dpkg -l |grep maxima

to see the Maxima packages that you have installed. Then use the
dpkg -s maxima-package-name

(where maxima-package-name is each one of the packages found on the
previous step). Look for the information on the "Suggested packages" and
"Recommended packages" to see if you have all those installed.
Developers who pack .deb packages have a tendency to consider essential
parts of a package as secondary; in some deb packages for Maxima all
modules in the share category and all the documentation are considered
non-essential and thus come in other packages which are not required by
