
Jaime Villate <villate at fe.up.pt> writes:

> On Sun, 2010-03-07 at 16:29 -0800, muna ady wrote:
>> I installed Maxima and wxMaxima in Ubuntu, but when I ran an ode2
>> command, I got problem as below:
>> > ode2('diff(y,x,2)+'diff(y,x)-6*y=0, y, x);
>> >
>> Could not find `ode2.mac' using paths in file_search_maxima,system.#0:
>> ode2(?_l=['diff(y,x,2)+'diff(y,x,1)-6*y = 0,y,x]) -- an error.  To
>> debug this try debugmode(true);
>> Could you give me solution? 
> In a terminal, write:
> dpkg -l |grep maxima
> to see the Maxima packages that you have installed. Then use the
> command:
> dpkg -s maxima-package-name
> (where maxima-package-name is each one of the packages found on the
> previous step). Look for the information on the "Suggested packages" and
> "Recommended packages" to see if you have all those installed.
> Developers who pack .deb packages have a tendency to consider essential
> parts of a package as secondary; in some deb packages for Maxima all
> modules in the share category and all the documentation are considered
> non-essential and thus come in other packages which are not required by
> default.

Since I was interested, I just pulled up packages.ubuntu.com and had a
look. It seems that almost nothing is included in the 'maxima' package,
and stuff like ode2 is in maxima-share.

However, 'maxima-share' is "recommended" by 'maxima'. This means that
when you select the 'maxima' package in any package manager (aptitude,
synaptic, gui monstrosities etc.), 'maxima-share' should get pulled in
too unless you specifically say not to. This is the same as the
"semi-upstream" debian package that Ubuntu is no doubt using.

To Muna: install "sudo apt-get install maxima-share" should fix your
problem, at least on Karmic.

Hope this is some help,

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