maxima with imaxima and xemacs, latex error.

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 6:03 PM, Alejandro Morales <mori at> wrote:

> With the following instructions in maxima using imaxima on xemacs I get a
> latex error:
> e1:x_1*K_1+%i*x_1*G_1-k*k_2/m_1-omega**2*x_1=F/m_1;
> e2:x_2*K_2+%i*x_2*G_2-k*k_1/m_2-omega**2*x_2=0;
> [globalsolve:false,programmode:false];
> linsolve([e1,e2],[x_1,x_2]);
> polarform(%t4);
> With the last instruction imaxima gives the ?message "Latex error in" and a
> huge latex file. Is there a way to fix this problem?

I believe a common reason for the LaTeX error is that
the breqn (line breaking) package is not installed where TeX can find it.

kpsewhich breqn.sty

should find breqn. If it doesn't, copy breqn097a and
everything in it to /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex,
sudo texhash, and try kpsewhich again.
If it is found successfully, try imaxima again.

Hmm, I see there is a problem here ... breqn097a is not included
in the rpm installation -- that's an oversight. If breqn097a is not
in the Maxima package you installed, you can grab it in from
CVS. See:

Hope this helps, let us know how it goes.


Robert Dodier