Subject: maxima with imaxima and xemacs, latex error.
From: Leo Butler
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2010 08:59:00 +0000 (GMT)
On Sun, 28 Feb 2010, Alejandro Morales wrote:
< Dear Leo:
< Following your suggestion, I wrote the next code:
< e1:x[1]*K[1]+%i*x[1]*G[1]-k*k[2]/m[1]-omega**2*x[1]=F/m[1];
< e2:x[2]*K[2]+%i*x[2]*G[2]-k*k[1]/m[2]-omega**2*x[2]=0;
< [globalsolve:false,programmode:false];
< linsolve([e1,e2],[x[1],x[2]]);
< polarform(%t4);
< polarform(%t5);
< Now imaxima succeeds in writing correctly the latex expression for
< "polarform(%t4);" but not for "polarform(%t5);" where a latex error is
< produced. Still there is a problem. What do you suggest?
< Thanks: A. Morales.
Perhaps the problem is caused by your tex defaults. Try the following:
in your (i)maxima session,
copy this output into a latex buffer and run latex on it. This may
provide some useful information. Also, you may want to run the same code
in imaxima+emacs (not xemacs).
Perhaps the imaxima cognoscenti have better advice.
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