I have a function of four helicity variables s1,s2,..
called emuon(s1,s2,s3,s4), each variable can take
on only values 1 or -1. To compute the sum of
the absolute value squared of the helicity
amplitudes (to get a unpolarized cross section)
I use the "dumb" do loop code:
Mssq3 : block ([msqsum,s1,s2,s3,s4,sL], sL : [1,-1],
msqsum : 0,
for s1 in sL do
for s2 in sL do
for s3 in sL do
for s4 in sL do
msqsum : msqsum + Avsq (factor (emuon (s1,s2,s3,s4)) ),
factorsum (msqsum));
I suspect there is a fancier way to do this that will also
be faster.
Any suggestions??
Thanks in Advance,
Ted Woollett
p.s.: Avsq is a homemade complex amplitude square function.