do loop speed up?

On 3/13/10, Edwin Woollett <woollett at> wrote:

> Mssq3 : block ([msqsum,s1,s2,s3,s4,sL], sL : [1,-1],
>           msqsum : 0,
>           for s1 in sL do
>            for s2 in sL do
>             for s3 in sL do
>              for s4 in sL do
>               msqsum : msqsum + Avsq (factor (emuon (s1,s2,s3,s4)) ),
>           factorsum (msqsum));

Well, a "neater" way to do it might replace the do-loops with
an iteration over the result of cartesian_product:

  S : {+1, -1};
  foo : cartesian_product (S, S, S, S);
  bar : maplist (lambda ([L], apply (emucon, L)), foo);
  msqsum : apply ("+", map (Avsq, map (factor, bar)));
  factorsum (msqsum);

However, my guess is that calls to factor are taking most of the time;
I doubt if the nested loops are slowing down the program.

(maplist always returns a list, while map(..., foo) returns a set
since foo is a set; I'm pretty sure we want bar to be a list.)

Hope this helps!

Robert Dodier