do loop speed up?

-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----


Right---I'd guess that all the sorting cartesian_product does makes this
approach slower.
Try something an experiment like: (I thought the number of calls to great
would be greater than 15 in %o16)

(%i14) (untimer(?great,?simplus,?simplifya), timer
(%i15) Mssq3 : block ([msqsum,s1,s2,s3,s4,sL], sL : [1,-1],
          msqsum : 0,
          for s1 in sL do
           for s2 in sL do
            for s3 in sL do
             for s4 in sL do
              msqsum : msqsum + f(s1,s2,s3,s4),msqsum)$

(%i16) timer_info();
(%o16) matrix([function,time//call,calls,runtime,gctime],

(%i17) (untimer(?great,?simplus,?simplifya), timer
(%i18) (S : set(1, -1), xreduce("+",map(lambda([l], apply(f,l)),
cartesian_product(S, S, S, S))))$
(%i19) timer_info();
(%o19) matrix([function,time//call,calls,runtime,gctime],

I'm not sure we win even if the cartesian product is pre-computed:

(%i20) (S : set(1, -1), r : cartesian_product (S, S, S, S))$
(%i21) (untimer(?great,?simplus,?simplifya), timer
(%i22) xreduce("+",map(lambda([l], apply(f,l)), r))$
(%i23) timer_info();
(%o23) matrix([function,time//call,calls,runtime,gctime],