mset error messages

I'd like to improve the error messages from mset, to clarify
why an attempted assignment fails.

Here is my proposed patch, which I think is consistent with 
the recent work to provide messages that are wrapped in gettext.

I've run the test suite with the patched code, and no additional
errors are reported.

(%i2) all:1;

assignment: cannot assign to all; it has the `neverset'
  -- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);
(%i3) %e:2.71;

assignment: cannot assign to %e; it is a declared numeric quantity.
  -- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);


Index: src/mlisp.lisp
RCS file: /cvsroot/maxima/maxima/src/mlisp.lisp,v
retrieving revision 1.85
diff -u -r1.85 mlisp.lisp
--- src/mlisp.lisp      21 Mar 2010 07:06:54 -0000      1.85
+++ src/mlisp.lisp      29 Mar 2010 08:24:44 -0000
@@ -618,6 +618,9 @@
    (twoargcheck l)
    (mset (simplifya (cadr l) nil) (meval (caddr l))))

+(defvar *mset-error-message* ""
+  "Last error message caused by invoking mset (:)")
  (defun mset (x y)
    (prog ()
       (cond ((or (null $setcheck)
@@ -633,14 +636,16 @@
                   (merrbreak t)
                   (setq y $setval)))))
       (cond ((atom x)
-           (when (or (not (symbolp x))
-                     (member x '(t nil) :test #'eq)
-                      (mget x '$numer)
-                      (get x 'sysconst))
+           (when (or (and (not (symbolp x))
+                          (setf *mset-error-message* (intl:gettext "it
is not a symbolp.")))
+                     (and (member x '(t nil) :test #'eq)
+                          (setf *mset-error-message* (intl:gettext
"true and false are Maxima constants.")))
+                      (and (mget x '$numer)
+                          (setf *mset-error-message* (intl:gettext "it
is a declared numeric quantity.")))
+                      (and (get x 'sysconst)
+                          (setf *mset-error-message* (intl:gettext "it
is a Maxima constant."))))
               (if munbindp (return nil))
-             (if (mget x '$numer)
-                 (merror (intl:gettext "assignment: cannot assign to
                   ~M; it is a declared numeric quantity.") x)
-                 (merror (intl:gettext "assignment: cannot assign to
                   ~M") x)))
+             (merror (intl:gettext "assignment: cannot assign to ~M;
~a") x *mset-error-message*))
             (let ((f (get x 'assign)))
               (if (and f (or (not (eq x y))
                              (member f '(neverset read-only-assign) :test #'eq)))

  (defmfun neverset (x assign-val)
    (declare (ignore assign-val))
    (if munbindp
-      (merror (intl:gettext "assignment: cannot assign to ~:M") x)))
+      (merror (intl:gettext "assignment: cannot assign to ~:M; it has
the `neverset' property.") x)))

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