Proposal: new doc module in the CVS repository

On Sat, 2010-04-24 at 11:09 -0600, Robert Dodier wrote:
> The directories which you proposed to move, doc/tutorial and
> doc/maximabook, are relatively small, so it doesn't seem like
> there is much to gain by moving them. However, if the entire
> doc directory were moved, that would make a substantial difference.
> Should we consider moving doc itself? It would mess up the
> build system, although I suppose we could figure it out. Thoughts? 

Hi Robert,
by just moving archive and the non-English the translations of doc we
could already reduce the size of the repository in 25%.

I get numbers a bit different from yours; here are the values I get,
showing only big directories:

6184	./share/contrib
1964	./share/draw
5292	./share/lapack
20720	./share
2784	./src/numerical
7496	./src
1472	./interfaces/emacs
1456	./interfaces/xmaxima
3348	./interfaces
3240	./archive
1416	./tests
1184	./doc/tutorial/es
1872	./doc/tutorial
9708    ./doc/info ---> languages different from en
4692	./doc/info/figures
17724	./doc/info
21048	./doc

58660	TOTAL

14820 (25%) archive + tutorial + languages different from en

Moving archive and translations of the manual won't break things. If you
approve, I can take care of that move.

Other thing to keep in mind is the following:  63% of doc/tutorial
belongs to doc/tutorial/es, because Mario has been very active with the
Spanish documentation and there are other books there in addition to
"Minimal Maxima".

I would also like to commit my book on Dynamical Systems to the
repository; as it is right now, just the sources take 16916 bytes, which
would increase the repository by another 25%; and once I start
translating it into English that figure will increase.
