string comparisons, was: Maxima 5.21.1 release

Robert Dodier wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 9:37 AM, Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at> wrote:
>> You are saying that is(%i>0)=>false is not a bug?
> Is it really a problem if a > b and b > a are both false?
IEEE 754 standard specifies that   NaN > NaN is false.  NaN <NaN is 
false.  NaN=NaN is false.
> (It seems likely that Maxima assumes one is true if the other
> is false, but it doesn't have to be that way, does it?)
It certainly should not make this assumption, since it is false. It used 
to be that some compilers may assume that a
test   not (x>y)  is the same as x<=y.  This is true for integers, not 
floats, not complexes.
> Be that as it may, I would be willing to accept the same behavior
> for is(%i > 0) and is("x" > 0) which is now displayed by
> is(a > 0) where a is a list, matrix, or set, namely, it returns
> unknown when prederror = false and triggers and error when
> prederror = true.
It is pretty clearly a TYPE error to ask if %i>0.  It is not the same 
as   x>0  which might be resolved
some time in the future if a value is given to x.  While I have not 
thought about the repercussions in
Maxima, it seems to me that there is no prospect for future events to 
change the question %i>0 to
something that makes sense, and it is an error.  Regardless of prederror.

>> A related bug is is(%i+1>%i) => true
We want to be able to use a theorem that   x+1 > x.  But the problem above

could be argued either way.     NaN+1 > NaN  is false.  inf+1>inf is false.

probably   is(x+1>x)    ==>  if real(x) then true else '(is(x+1>x)) .