maxima programming questions

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 9:36 AM, Camm Maguire <camm at> wrote:

> Now say I want to simplify all monomials in l,lb to result in 1, -1,
> l^m or lb^m, n>m>0.  In other words, l^(n+m) -> lb^(n-m).  tellrat()
> does not take an expression in two variables anymore unlike what is
> said in the docs (bug?).  I've written a hack of a function using log
> to basically accomplish this, but I think there should be a better
> way.

I tried the examples shown in the reference manual and they
work as described. Can you please post a session log?
This seems like an interesting problem so I 'd like to make it work.

> powers(1/lb,'lb);
> The second argument of "$powers" must be a symbol, instead found lb

I don';t see that error (instead I get an error that the first argument
must be a polynomial). What did you enter? and what led up to it?

Sorry I can't be more helpful,

Robert Dodier