maxima programming questions

Greetings!  OK, I've attached my little program below, together with
some tex output changes.  It would be nice to not have to toggle phv
and just deal with a variable phase at all stages of the calculation,
but I can't get the simplifications right.  Also, would be great if I
could achieve the tex output without overwriting the functions in

Advice/suggestions from the experts most welcome.

Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> writes:

> On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 9:36 AM, Camm Maguire <camm at> wrote:
>> Now say I want to simplify all monomials in l,lb to result in 1, -1,
>> l^m or lb^m, n>m>0.  In other words, l^(n+m) -> lb^(n-m).  tellrat()
>> does not take an expression in two variables anymore unlike what is
>> said in the docs (bug?).  I've written a hack of a function using log
>> to basically accomplish this, but I think there should be a better
>> way.
> I tried the examples shown in the reference manual and they
> work as described. Can you please post a session log?
> This seems like an interesting problem so I 'd like to make it work.
>> powers(1/lb,'lb);
>> The second argument of "$powers" must be a symbol, instead found lb
> I don';t see that error (instead I get an error that the first argument
> must be a polynomial). What did you enter? and what led up to it?
> Sorry I can't be more helpful,
> Robert Dodier

Camm Maguire			     		    camm at
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah
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