On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Carter, Nathan <NCARTER at bentley.edu> wrote:
> On May 3, 2010, at 4:09 PM, Richard Fateman wrote:
>> Unless you are passing trivial data structures like small integers to
>> maxima, how do you propose to encode arguments to lisp functions when you
>> call a subroutine in maxima?
> Well, since I'm asking a "how do I" question, I don't think I'm proposing anything. :)
> So I guess I should read your reply as specifically addressing my
> can-I-call-Maxima-as-a-library question, and you're essentially saying that
> there is no API available for constructing LISP data structures in C/C++,
> making the whole library idea impossible from the get-go.
> Do I have that correct?
RJF may or may not be claiming that the library idea is impossible;
it's probably not worth the trouble to figure out which.
I glanced at the patches linked by Mike Hansen and it appears that
the general approach is to construct Lisp objects in a C program
(via ECL's C functions) and call Lisp functions on those objects.
Robert Dodier