piecewise polynomial function convolution

IANAL, but... you can't copyright an algorithm, only specific code to
implement it. US patents expire after 17-20 years, so any patents on
something published in 1973 would have expired some time ago.


On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 21:22, Richard Hennessy <rich.hennessy at verizon.net>wrote:

>  Hi list,
> I found this link during a search for something else unrelated to the
> subject of the article.  When I came across it I got curious and read it. I
> may want to use this method with a new pwpolyint(L,x) function. I was
> wondering if there is a copyright on the method of integration they
> discovered and is it free to use the algorithm.
> http://degiorgi.math.hr/~singer/aaa_sem/ZZ_NOT_NOW /970-975.pdf<http://degiorgi.math.hr/%7Esinger/aaa_sem/ZZ_NOT_NOW/970-975.pdf>;
> Any ideas?  Is it worth the effort?
> Rich
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