display2d & orthopoly

>>>>> "Barton" == Barton Willis <willisb at unk.edu> writes:

    Barton> The orthopoly code supports two-dimensional output for the
    Barton> orthogonal polynomials. I think this is more trouble than
    Barton> it is worth--two-dimensional output it makes it hard to
    Barton> copy and paste, users might think that the orthogonal

The same can be said for x^2 or sum, or integral. :-)

    Barton> polynomials are memoized, and it's not all that
    Barton> attractive. Xmaxima, but not wxMaxima supports the
    Barton> two-dimensional output.

I rather like the 2D display, but I would not oppose the change to
remove the 2D display.
