Subject: code for the transpose of a list of lists.
From: Barton Willis
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 07:01:43 -0500
Using Clozure Common Lisp, your array based transpose seems to be fast:
(%i6) m : genmatrix(lambda([i,j],i), 600,600)$
(%i8) transpose(m)$
Evaluation took 0.1100 seconds (0.1090 elapsed)
(%i9) mtrans(m)$
Evaluation took 0.0780 seconds (0.0780 elapsed)
But as you observed, the array based transpose is slow under GCL:
(%i12) transpose(m)$
Evaluation took 0.3900 seconds (0.3900 elapsed)
(%i13) mtrans(m)$
Evaluation took 1.4700 seconds (1.4700 elapsed)
By the way: Matrix multiplication requires a transpose for a list of lists. I tried a few
experiments at speeding up matrix multiplication, but didn't get anywhere. Maybe somebody
else would like to try. An array method might be fast for non-GCL Maxima. Also, adding the
members of an inner product en masse might some be faster for some non-numeric matrices.
-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----
>To:?Barton?Willis?<willisb at>,?Maxima?List?<maxima at>
>From:?Richard?Fateman?<fateman at>
>Sent?by:?maxima-bounces at
>Maxima at