code for the transpose of a list of lists.

The big speed gain has been made. Probably more useful to move on to
the next super-bad case than to try to shave 5% more off this one....
Especially since the results are implementation-dependent.


On 2010-06-29, Richard Fateman <fateman at> wrote:
>  Here's another program to time...
> (defun $mtrans(r) ;; r must be a maxima matrix
>   (let* ((j (1- (length r)))
>      (k (1- (length (cadr r))))
>      (M (make-array (list  j k) :initial-contents
>             (mapcar #'cdr (cdr r)))))
>     (cons '($matrix simp)
>       (loop for ind2 fixnum from 0 below k collect
>       (cons '(mlist simp)
>         (loop for ind1 fixnum from 0 below j collect
>         (aref M ind1 ind2)))))))
> It appears to be slow on GCL, but may be much faster on some other lisps.
> I also don't know about optimization settings for GCL etc.
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