Yes, saving cons's is a good thing. But a destructive transpose
doesn't fit into Maxima's usual conventions.
On 2010-06-29, Pedro Garrido gomez <perogarridogomez at> wrote:
> ?The big difference in transpose-pg is that it cons very little, only one
> row of the matrix.
> ?The algorithm is about changing pointers in the original matrix to get the
> tranpose.
> ?A benchmark using sbcl outside of maxima. The file has been? compiled.
> CL-USER> (progn (setq l2 (copy-tree (setq l1 (a-matrix 1000 1000)))) nil)
> CL-USER> (time (progn (transpose-wb l1) 'done))
> Evaluation took:
> ? 0.184 seconds of real time
> ? 0.190000 seconds of total run time (0.130000 user, 0.060000 system)
> ? [ Run times consist of 0.140 seconds GC time, and 0.050 seconds non-GC
> time. ]
> ? 103.26% CPU
> ? 431,324,341 processor cycles
> ? 32,046,400 bytes consed
> CL-USER> (time (progn (transpose-pg l2) 'done))
> Evaluation took:
> ? 0.028 seconds of real time
> ? 0.030000 seconds of total run time (0.020000 user, 0.010000 system)
> ? 107.14% CPU
> ? 67,007,521 processor cycles
> ? 16,384 bytes consed
> --------------------------
> (defvar l1 nil)
> (defvar l2 nil)
> (defun transpose-pg(m)
> ? (let (m1)
> ??? (setq m1 (loop for x on (car m) collect x))
> ??? (transposeaux m)
> ??? m1))
> (defun transposeaux(ll)
> ? (let (next)
> ??? (loop for l1 in ll
> ?????? for l2 in (cdr ll) do
> ?? ??? (loop for ai = l1 then next
> ?? ?????? for bi on l2 do
> ?? ??? ?(setf next (cdr ai))
> ?? ??? ?(rplacd ai bi))
> ?? ? finally
> ?? ??? (loop for bi = l2 then next
> ?? ??? ?while (cdr bi) do
> ?? ??? ?(setf next (cdr bi)
> ?? ??? ?????? (cdr bi) nil)))
> ??? ll))
> (defun a-matrix(i j)
> ? "construct a rectangular matrix"
> ? (loop repeat i collect
> ?????? (loop repeat j collect (random 20))))
> (defun transpose-wb (ll)
> ? (let ((acc nil))
> ??? (loop while (car ll) do
> ????? (push (mapcar #'car ll) acc)
> ????? (setq ll (mapcar #'cdr ll)))
> ??? (nreverse acc)))