diff(innerproduct(x,x),x) =2x in itensor

I try to get result
diff(innerproduct(x,x),x) = 2x
using itensor

The following definition works
 (%i1) load(itensor)$
(%i2) coord(x)$
(%i6) imetric(g)$
(%i9) declare(g,constant)$
(%i10) ishow(idiff( x([],[j])*g([i,j],[])*x([],[i]), k))$
                        i            j    j            i
(%t10)                 x  g    kdelta  + x  g    kdelta
                           i j       k       i j       k
(%o10) x([], [i]) g([i, j], []) kdelta([k], [j])
                                    + x([], [j]) g([i, j], []) kdelta([k], [i])
(%i11) ishow(contract(%));
(%t11)                               2 x
(%o11)                           2 x([k], [])


(%i12) ishow(idiff( x([i])|x,k));
(%i13) ishow(contract(%));
(%t13)                          x  + x   x
                                 k        %1,k
(%o13)              x([k], []) + x([], [%1]) x([%1], [], k)

(%i14) components(x([j],[]),g([i,j],[])*x([],[i]));
(%i15) ishow(idiff( x([i],[])*x([],[i]), k));

(%i17) ishow(contract(rename(expand(%))));
(%t17)                            2 x   g
                                         %2 k
(%o17)                   2 x([], [%2]) g([%2, k], [])

2x^i g_{ik} maybe also collect, but not equal 1st result.
I think this is not right way dealing inner-product.
But I can not find appropriate example in demo(tensor) and manual.