I would appreciate very much if anybody could give me (a hint to) information about the difference of the "square brackets" ([ ]) in a block and the "local"-statement. I don't find the manual very clear in this point.
The problem:
I wanted to use a function as a parameter -- every calculus student knows want is meant by
/* */
dqf(f, a, h):= (f(a+h) - f(a))/h;
/* */
This definition, which works fine t.ex. with Maple (of course with a different syntax), doesn't work with Maxima: if f is already (globally) defined at the moment of the definition of dqf (that means if f is bound) then this global f is used!
I made a simpler example (but with some local variable to keep things general enough) -- and after many tries I succeded: but, to be serious, I don't know why:
/* */
f(x):= sin(x);
ff(x):= cos(x); /* try even WITHOUT this statement to see that we need ff in [ ] too! */
testF(f, x):= block([ff, a: 3],
ff: f,
g(x):= x^2;
testF(g, 2);
/* */
Can this be done simpler? What is the idea of "dynamical binding" (with respect to function-parameters) in Maxima?
By the way, the problems are similar if you will construct a function as return of a function. The example given in the "Maxima Beginner?s FAQ" (http://cadadr.org/maxima/faq.html) is obviously wrong if x is bound:
/* */
x: 7;
make_fn(n) := funmake('lambda, [[x], n+x]);
/* ==> error */
/* */
Thank you very much for help resp. clarification
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