Bug report ID 2123651 "min and max of imaginary and real numbers"
Subject: Bug report ID 2123651 "min and max of imaginary and real numbers"
From: reyssat
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2010 22:33:27 +0200
Robert Dodier a ?crit :
> On 9/5/10, Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at alum.mit.edu> wrote:
>> One thing: I'd think that any comparisons involving imaginary quantities
>> should give errors, not nounforms or unknown. It is not that %i < 3 is
>> unknown, it is actually not defined. True, a*%i < 3 for a=0, so a nounform
>> might be sensible there, but I'd rather catch the anomaly.
> Well, %i < 3 is just false, right? It's not undefined.
I don't see all implications to maxima, but mathematically speaking I
would prefer saying %i < 3 is undefined, not false. As far as I know,
no binary relation x<y has ever been defined on the set of maxima
complex numbers. It is possible to define such a relation (for instance
using C=R^2 and lexicographic order), even compatible with the usual
relation on real numbers ; it will be useless in practice since
uncompatible with operations on complex numbers, but it may satisfy
(%i<3)=true (after all, the real part of %i is less than real part of 3).
I may be wrong but I think (%i<3)=undefined is safer than (%i<3)=false,
which might be interpreted as (%i>=3)=true by some users or maybe even
by some hidden maxima rules.
Sorry if this remark is too mathematical and out of maxima syntax rules.
> On the other, max(%i, 3) is actually undefined.
> (Unless we agree to some convention, e.g. max(%i, 3) = false.
> I'll put that aside for now.)
> My preference is to throw something which contains info
> about the problem so that it could be handled programmatically.
> I mean something like throw(undefined(max(%i, 3))).
> (Triggering an error, or returning und, doesn't contain info
> that could be used programmatically.)
> max(%i*a, 3) is an interesting case, since it is well-defined
> for a = 0. My preference in this case is to return a noun
> expression. That is essentially postponing the result until
> something more is known about a (whether it is 0 or non-0).
> best,
> Robert Dodier
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