On Wed, 29 Sep 2010, Briceno, Cairo wrote:
< I am using maxima behind a firewall. I try the following things without having success in ruuning maxima in windows XP service Pack 3.
< ?
< 1)????? I set the proper maxima path in the windows EP mode,
< 2)????? I reise the privileges to maxima engine and the the tcl interface.
< 3)????? I free the ports 4008 for the pipe connection in all the firewall settings.
< ?
< Despite this, maxima is still not running giving the error: ? Time for connection exceeding?.
< ?
< Does any of you was successful to get maxima running through the sockets(pipes) in windows xp?
This topic has been discussed on this list within the last year or two, so it may be worth
your time searching the list archive.
I would suggest the following approach to your problem:
-verify that command-line maxima is actually working (as Robert
-if it is, then remove all firewall rules and launch XMaxima.
If it connects to Maxima, then your firewall rules are the problem
and you will need to troubleshoot your firewall rules,
if it does not connect to Maxima, then post your output on this list
and perhaps someone can help.
Note that when you temporarily remove your firewall rules, you should
probably not be connected to any network.
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