On Thu, 14 Oct 2010, Briceno, Cairo wrote:
< The command line in XP works. XP without firewall works. But having problems with Vista and windows 7 64 bits. Do you think recompiling the maxima source for windows 7 64 bit may resolve the problem?
< Thanks for the suggestions.
Please reply to the Maxima list.
Could you expand on what the problems are with Vista? Does command-line
Maxima work, etc.?
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Leo Butler [mailto:l.butler at ed.ac.uk]
< Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2010 11:30 AM
< To: Briceno, Cairo
< Cc: maxima at math.utexas.edu
< Subject: Re: [Maxima] maxima problem
< On Wed, 29 Sep 2010, Briceno, Cairo wrote:
< <
< < I am using maxima behind a firewall. I try the following things without having success in ruuning maxima in windows XP service Pack 3.
< <
< < ?
< <
< < 1)????? I set the proper maxima path in the windows EP mode,
< <
< < 2)????? I reise the privileges to maxima engine and the the tcl interface.
< <
< < 3)????? I free the ports 4008 for the pipe connection in all the firewall settings.
< <
< < ?
< <
< < Despite this, maxima is still not running giving the error: ? Time for connection exceeding?.
< <
< < ?
< <
< < Does any of you was successful to get maxima running through the sockets(pipes) in windows xp?
< This topic has been discussed on this list within the last year or two, so it may be worth
< your time searching the list archive.
< I would suggest the following approach to your problem:
< -verify that command-line maxima is actually working (as Robert
< suggested);
< -if it is, then remove all firewall rules and launch XMaxima.
< If it connects to Maxima, then your firewall rules are the problem
< and you will need to troubleshoot your firewall rules,
< if it does not connect to Maxima, then post your output on this list
< and perhaps someone can help.
< Note that when you temporarily remove your firewall rules, you should
< probably not be connected to any network.
< Best,
< Leo
< --
< The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
< Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.