Error or restriction in "apply"?


In the new version of Maxima (5.22.1) ist is obviously not possible to
generate complex graphics with draw2d any more.

The command

   draw2d(explicit(..), ...<100 objects or options>)

produces the following error message:

Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
 Error in APPLY [or a callee]:  Lisps arglist maximum surpassed
Automatically continuing.
To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.

Previous versions of maxima (<=5.20.1) did not have any problems!

In my control engineering package "COMA" graphics are produced
by applying (wx)draw2d onto a list containing graphic objects and options.
Hence it is not possbible any more to plot 20 or more
transfer-functions (step responses, bode plots etc.) into one
single diagram.

Thanks in advance for remarks, suggestions or help
Wilhelm Haager
wilhelm.haager at