Maxima by Example, Ch. 6, Differential Calculus Update.
The pdf file mbe6calc1.pdf has been extensively edited to
improve the presentation and the typography.
The batch files cylinder.mac and sphere.mac have been
edited to adapt to some changes in Maxima
The code file vcalc.mac and batch file vcalcdem.mac
are essentially unchanged.
Chapter 6: Differential Calculus, Files:
1. --mbe6calc1.pdf : Oct. 21, 2010, Maxima 5.21.1, 54 pages
2. --vcalc.mac : A Maxima package for Vector Calculus: Oct. 21, 2010,
Maxima 5.21.1
3. --vcalcdem.mac : Batch File Illustrating vcalc.mac: Oct. 21, 2010,
Maxima 5.21.1
4. --calc1code.txt : Copy and Paste Code: Oct. 21, 2010, Maxima 5.21.1
5. --cylinder.mac : Cylindrical Coordinates Batch File Derivation:
Oct.21, 2010, Maxima 5.21.1
6. --sphere.mac : Spherical Polar Coordinates Batch File Derivation:
Oct.21, 2010, Maxima 5.21.1,
(The sphere.mac curl derivation will not work with
ver. 5.22.1 due to a bug in that version)
Chapter 6 Sections:
1. Differentiation of Explicit and Implicit Functions: diff and depends,
2. Critical and Inflection Points of a Curve Defined by an Explicit
3. Tangent and Normal of a Point of a Curve Defined by an Explicit Function,
4. Maxima and Minima of a Function of Two Variables,
5. Tangent and Normal of a Point of a Curve Defined by an Implicit Function,
6. Limit Examples using Maxima's limit Function,
7. Taylor and Laurent Series Expansions using Maxima's taylor Function,
8. Vector Calculus Calculations using vcalc.mac,
9. Maxima Derivation of Vector Calculus Formulas (Laplacian, Divergence,
Gradient, and Curl) in Cylindrical Coordinates,
10. Maxima Derivation of Vector Calculus Formulas in Spherical Polar