Maxima by Example Ch.6 Update

Am Freitag, den 22.10.2010, 10:35 -0700 schrieb Edwin Woollett:
> Maxima by Example, Ch. 6, Differential Calculus Update.
> The pdf file mbe6calc1.pdf has been extensively edited to
> improve the presentation and the typography.
> The batch files cylinder.mac and sphere.mac have been
>   edited to adapt to some changes in Maxima
>   internals.
> The code file vcalc.mac and batch file vcalcdem.mac
>   are essentially unchanged.
> Chapter 6: Differential Calculus,   Files:
>    1. --mbe6calc1.pdf : Oct. 21, 2010, Maxima 5.21.1, 54 pages
>    2. --vcalc.mac : A Maxima package for Vector Calculus: Oct. 21, 2010,
>                 Maxima 5.21.1
>    3. --vcalcdem.mac : Batch File Illustrating vcalc.mac: Oct. 21, 2010,
>                 Maxima 5.21.1
>    4. --calc1code.txt : Copy and Paste Code: Oct. 21, 2010, Maxima 5.21.1
>    5. --cylinder.mac : Cylindrical Coordinates Batch File Derivation:
>                Oct.21, 2010, Maxima 5.21.1
>    6. --sphere.mac : Spherical Polar Coordinates Batch File Derivation:
>                Oct.21, 2010, Maxima 5.21.1,
>                 (The sphere.mac curl derivation will not work with
>                    ver. 5.22.1 due to a bug in that version)
> Chapter 6 Sections:
> 1. Differentiation of Explicit and Implicit Functions: diff and depends,
> 2. Critical and Inflection Points of a Curve Defined by an Explicit
>         Function,
> 3. Tangent and Normal of a Point of a Curve Defined by an Explicit Function,
> 4. Maxima and Minima of a Function of Two Variables,
> 5. Tangent and Normal of a Point of a Curve Defined by an Implicit Function,
> 6. Limit Examples using Maxima's limit Function,
> 7. Taylor and Laurent Series Expansions using Maxima's taylor Function,
> 8. Vector Calculus Calculations using vcalc.mac,
> 9. Maxima Derivation of Vector Calculus Formulas (Laplacian, Divergence,
>              Gradient, and Curl) in Cylindrical Coordinates,
> 10. Maxima Derivation of Vector Calculus Formulas in Spherical  Polar
>         Coordinates.

Thank you very much for your work. I should have a much closer look at
all your examples. This would help me to avoid the introduction of bugs.

Dieter Kaiser