problems with proportional plots

El vie, 12-11-2010 a las 17:37 +0100, Christian Stengg escribi?:
> Hola Mario!

Hola Christian,

> Yes, I have Gnuplot version 4.2 patchlevel 3. On your advice I have
> renamed wgnuplot.ini with the following results: A new wgnuplot.ini
> file is not created. The circle is represented as an ellipse with the
> small semiaxis in y-direction in both cases, i.e. without and with the
> option proportional_axes=xy. In the first case the ellipse is more
> compressed. I have remembered that Prof. Woollett mentions a ratio of
> 4/3 in one of his tutorials. So I have set the Option GraphSize=800
> 600. With this setting I get almost proportional plots in the
> Gnuplot-window (if the option proportional_axes=xy ist set).

I have tested today maxima-5.22.1.exe in a Windows system and I get a
perfect circumference when I type

  proportional_axes = xy,
  parametric(cos(t), sin(t), t,0,2*%pi));

I can't figure out why you don't get the same plot. Here is the contents
of maxout.gnuplot for this figure:

set terminal windows 

set size 1.0, 1.0
set origin 0.0, 0.0
set size ratio -1      <------ relevant code is here
set xrange [-1.0:1.0]
set yrange [-1.0:1.0]
set cbrange [*:*]
unset logscale x
unset logscale y
unset logscale cb
unset grid
set title ''
set xlabel ''
set ylabel ''
set border 15
unset xzeroaxis
unset yzeroaxis
set xtics norotate border autofreq
unset x2tics
set ytics norotate border autofreq
unset y2tics
set cbtics autofreq
set colorbox
set cblabel ''
set palette rgbformulae 7,5,15
plot 'C:/windows/profiles/xefe/data.gnuplot' index 0 t '' w l lw 1 lt 1
lc rgb 'black' axis x1y1

Please, check if relevant code is present.

Alternatively, you can try this code, which forces the "set size ratio
-1" to be written into the gnuplot script:

  user_preamble = "set size ratio -1",
  parametric(cos(t), sin(t), t,0,2*%pi)) ;

What is the result when you send the output to other terminals, like
gif, png, eps, or wxt, with the 'terminal' option?

If your gnuplot script is equal to mine, try to execute it directly from

gnuplot> load 'path_to/maxout.gnuplot'

what's the aspect of the curve?

> Gracias y un saludo a Galicia


> Christian

K?pfe hoch. Ich hoffe wir werden es schaffen!
