Hola Mario!
Am 12.11.2010 20:28, schrieb Mario Rodriguez:
> I have tested today maxima-5.22.1.exe in a Windows system and I get a
> perfect circumference when I type
> draw2d(
> proportional_axes = xy,
> parametric(cos(t), sin(t), t,0,2*%pi));
> I can't figure out why you don't get the same plot. Here is the contents
> of maxout.gnuplot for this figure:
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> set terminal windows
> set size 1.0, 1.0
> set origin 0.0, 0.0
> set size ratio -1<------ relevant code is here
> set xrange [-1.0:1.0]
> set yrange [-1.0:1.0]
> set cbrange [*:*]
> unset logscale x
> unset logscale y
> unset logscale cb
> unset grid
> set title ''
> set xlabel ''
> set ylabel ''
> set border 15
> unset xzeroaxis
> unset yzeroaxis
> set xtics norotate border autofreq
> unset x2tics
> set ytics norotate border autofreq
> unset y2tics
> set cbtics autofreq
> set colorbox
> set cblabel ''
> set palette rgbformulae 7,5,15
> plot 'C:/windows/profiles/xefe/data.gnuplot' index 0 t '' w l lw 1 lt 1
> lc rgb 'black' axis x1y1
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Please, check if relevant code is present.
Except for the file path my maxout.gnuplot is exactly the same as yours
(I have attached it).
> Alternatively, you can try this code, which forces the "set size ratio
> -1" to be written into the gnuplot script:
> draw2d(
> user_preamble = "set size ratio -1",
> parametric(cos(t), sin(t), t,0,2*%pi)) ;
With this code I get "set size noratio".
> What is the result when you send the output to other terminals, like
> gif, png, eps, or wxt, with the 'terminal' option?
With terminal=png I get a perfect circle.
> If your gnuplot script is equal to mine, try to execute it directly from
> wgnuplot:
> gnuplot> load 'path_to/maxout.gnuplot'
> what's the aspect of the curve?
I get the same ellipse as in wxMaxima.
> K?pfe hoch. Ich hoffe wir werden es schaffen!
> --
> Mario
Gracias por sus esfuerzos y un saludo
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