maxima won't start on Mac: neither prebuilt bin nor fink
Subject: maxima won't start on Mac: neither prebuilt bin nor fink
From: Gary Pajer
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2010 12:29:55 -0500
On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 2:53 AM, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at>wrote:
> On 11/13/10, Gary Pajer <gary.pajer at> wrote:
> >> Hmm. My guess that Maxima is trying to load an init-maxima.mac
> >> or init-maxima.lisp file which has a bug in it.
> >
> > can't find a file by that name
> Sorry, it's supposed to be maxima-init.mac or maxima-init.lisp.
> On all non-Windows systems, it's assumed to be in $HOME/.maxima.
> (It's plausible, though, that the Mac version is set up differently;
> I wouldn't know.)
Hey, look at the contents of my ~/.maxima/maxima-init.mac:
aca8639d:.maxima gpajer$ cat maxima-init.mac
set_plot_option([gnuplot_term, x11]$
see the unbalanced parentheses in the last line? That's the problem.
It begs a question: Did I do that? (I don't remember doing that.)
Oh well. All is well on my system.
THanks, gary
> > Thanks. BTW, I don't understand your lisp code below: are you asking a
> > question, or making a statement?
> Oh, it's a question for the other developers.
> I don't understand why the error in the init file isn't caught in
> best
> Robert Dodier