Work on the German translation of the manual

The last weeks I have worked on a German translation of the Maxima
Manual. I have committed the work and I have put the work online

It is too much work to finish the translation in a short time.
Therefore, I have included open work in the English language. At this
time I have finished the chapters 1 to 13 with only some exceptions.
Furthermore parts of the chapters 15, 16, and 18 are translated. Not all
errors in the translations are corrected and not all documentation has
its final place.

It is obvious that a lot of things can be improved. I have already
introduced some ideas in the German translation.

1. New chapters, moving chapters and moving entries

I have tried to get a more consistent order of the documentation. At
this time the main structure of the first 13 chapter is:

Introduction              - Einf?hrung in Maxima
Bugs                      - Programmfehler
Help                      - Hilfe
Command Line              - Kommandozeile
Data Types and Structures - Datentypen und -strukturen
Expressions               - Ausdr?cke
Operators                 - Operatoren
Evaluation                - Auswertung
Simplification            - Vereinfachung
Mathematical Functions    - Mathematische Funktionen
Maxima's Database         - Maximas Datenbank
Plotting                  - Grafische Darstellung
Input and Output          - Eingabe und Ausgabe

A lot of documentation which is distributed over several chapters is
collected in the new chapters Data Types and Structures, Evaluation,
Mathematical Functions, and Maxima's Database. Other chapters like
Floating Point, Contexts, Constants, Logarithms are no longer present in
the German translation.

2. Cross references

I have started to introduce nodes for all functions and variables.
Therefore, it is possible to put in more cross references. At this time
the cross reference are only present in the html version, because the
cross references do not look nice in the pdf and info versions of the

3. More summaries

The translation has some more summaries and introductions to the
documentation. The aim is to give the reader an overview over the
functions and variables which are available.

Is it of interest to include this work into English manual too?

Dieter Kaiser