error trying to build de documentation

Am Sonntag, den 05.12.2010, 12:07 +0000 schrieb Leo Butler:
> < A question: What I have to do to get the German translation as help from
> < the command line?
>  You need to set *maxima-lang-subdir*, which is defined in init-cl.lisp.
>  The function set-locale-subdir in init-cl.lisp attempts to set this,
>  but obviously you can do this manually. I guess something like
>  (setq *maxima-lang-subdir* "de")
>  (set-pathnames)
>  in maxima-init.lisp ought to work.
>  (It works for me, but there is an error in the generated
>  maxima-index.lisp).

Hello Leo,

thank you for the hint. It works for me. I do not get an error and I can
read the German translation on the command line on my Linux system. What
is the error you get?

But there is another problem. The html file and the pdf file show the
correct German umlauts, but not the info file. Perhaps I have to provide
an UTF coding for the text in addition?

This has be done for the other languages too.

Dieter Kaiser