On Fri, 2010-12-10 at 15:58 +0000, Stanislav Maslovski wrote:
> plot3d(['realpart(lambda[1]), 'realpart(lambda[2]), [kz, -6, 6],
> [ky, -6, 6]], [grid, 60, 60], [legend, false], [palette, false],
> [color, red, blue], [gnuplot_term, ps], [gnuplot_ps_term_command, "set
> format z '%6.3f'; set term postscript eps enhanced color solid size 8.6
> cm, 6.45 cm font 'TimesRoman,14'"], [gnuplot_out_file,
> "re_lambda_eps_2_vc_0_6_att.eps"]);
> lambda is a list of two complicated expressions, for the testing purpose
> one may set it, for example, to
> lambda: [kz^2+ky^2, kz^2-ky^2];
> I want red color on the top side of each surface, and the blue color on
> the bottom side. I tried many color combinations in the [color, ... ]
> option but without any success. Can anyone advise me on how to achieve
> this?
the color option was implemented with only one surface in mind. With
more than one surface, it will not allow you to control individually the
colors of each surface (the implementation will have to be extended for
My advice to you is to add the following option to your plot3d command:
to make sure that a self-contained plot file is created. It will have
the name maxout.gnuplot in your home directory. To achieve the result
you want, edit that file directly and in the line that reads:
splot "-" title "'realpart(kz^2-ky^2)" with lines lt 1, "-" title
"'realpart(kz^2+ky^2)" with lines lt 3
change the 3 at the end by a 1. After that, enter "gnuplot" in the
command line and in gnuplot use the command:
load "maxout.gnuplot"
to recreate the eps file.
At this moment, plot2d and plot3d should be regarded as a starting point
to make a gnuplot plot. In order to fully use the capabilities of
gnuplot, you should go into gnuplot directly, using the maxout.gnuplot
file as a starting point.
I hope this helps.