how to combining "maxima-mode" and "imaxima"

I'd like to write some mathematical document in maxima-mode. That works so far. 
However, I haven't found a way to make maxima-mode's "C-c C-c" (send line to 
maxima) to open an imaxima inferior process, it just opens a maxima inferior 

Of course I already set "imaxima-use-maxima-mode-flag", but I fail to understand 
how this possibly might work. It's only checked in imaxima.el, not in 
maximal.el, which contains the code for "maxima-mode".

My .emacs.d/start.el has this snippet:

(defun my-maxima-inferior-setup ()
  (setq yas/dont-activate t))

(eval-after-load "imaxima"
  '(progn (setq imaxima-fnt-size "Large"
		imaxima-use-maxima-mode-flag t)
	  (add-hook 'inferior-maxima-mode-hook 'my-maxima-inferior-setup)

(autoload 'imaxima "imaxima" nil t)

(eval-after-load "maxima"
  '(progn (require 'imaxima)
	  (define-key inferior-maxima-mode-map "\t" 'inferior-maxima-complete)
	  (setq maxima-save-input-history t
		maxima-input-history-file (concat dotfiles-dir 
		maxima-use-full-color-in-process-buffer t
		maxima-minibuffer-2d t)

(autoload 'maxima-mode "maxima" nil t)

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.max$" . maxima-mode))