how to combining "maxima-mode" and "imaxima"

Quoting Holger Schurig <holgerschurig at>:

> I'd like to write some mathematical document in maxima-mode. That  
> works so far.
> However, I haven't found a way to make maxima-mode's "C-c C-c" (send line to
> maxima) to open an imaxima inferior process, it just opens a maxima inferior
> process.
> Of course I already set "imaxima-use-maxima-mode-flag", but I fail  
> to understand
> how this possibly might work. It's only checked in imaxima.el, not in
> maximal.el, which contains the code for "maxima-mode".

You need to set this flag to t, then start imaxima. This will create
buffer named *maxima* with a maxima process plus running imaxima.

If you want to have a maxima-mode function automatically open an imaxima
inferior process, then you can use the defadvice facility:

(defadvice maxima-send-region (before maxima-start-imaxima first)
   "Ensures that imaxima is running and the correct flag is set."
  (setq imaxima-use-maxima-mode-flag t)
(ad-activate 'maxima-send-region)

I advise maxima-send-region because all the *-send-* functions are  
specialisations of it.


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