How about to rename Maxima?

1) As someone already pointed out, you are trying to solve a
non-problem -- Google finds Maxima as #1 for the query [maxima].

2) Creating a new name (as someone pointed out) will make the problem
of finding Maxima on the Web harder, not easier, since there are
already lots and lots of references to Maxima on the Web, in books,

3) Fateman has already pointed out the if you're concerned with people
searching for Macsyma and not finding Maxima, a useful thing to do is
to mention Maxima's heritage systematically whenever mentioning

4) Any name incorporating "Macsyma" is likely to be legally
contentious (if the trademark owner cares). Even if we're in the right
legally, who will pay the lawyer is we're sued?

So please stop pushing for polls etc.


On 2010-12-18, Waldemar <waldemar4u at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> thank you for many replays.
> As for trademark I'm not a layer but my personal meaning is that
> Macsyma != Macsymase
> Try to pronounce this both words and you will realize there sounds differed.
> I heard also that OpenOffice is also a trademark, so Sun named his
> office package officially
> Here are some discussions about it:
> So I think there wold be no problem with this name.
> Since there is a big feedback of people who has the same problem with
> the name. I would suggest to start a pool with some name suggestions
> and later a pool were people can vote for this names.
> I would be very clad to count the results for you.
> Ok have a nice day.
> Bye
> Waldemar
> 2010/12/17 Waldemar <waldemar4u at>:
>> Dear Maxima community,
>> It is very hard to find some additional information about Maxima on
>> internet, because the most google hits are about nissan maxima,
>> maximas and minimas of some functions and so on. So I would like to
>> suggest, to rename Maxima in some more unique name.
>> Here are my suggestions:
>> Since Maxima is a descendant of Macsyma how about:
>> MacsymaNG <- Macsyma new/next generation.
>> OpenMacsyma <- similar to DOE Macsyma.
>> MacsymaS <- ?Macsyma Schelter's edition.
>> Or sine Maxima is fully implemented in Common Lisp, how about:
>> Maclisy <- Mathematical Common Lisp System or ?Mathematical Calculation
>> System.
>> So what think you about it?
>> BTW: Does anybody know what Macsyma stands for?
>> Have a nice day.
>> Bye.
>> Waldemar.
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