Hello again,
I got solve running. But it does not really does what I expect:
1. It does not find any solution and returns just a [ ].
This happens if I give too much equations to solve (only the first equation
would be enough to solve for the first variable. If give 2 equations, [ ] is
2. "Simple" problems can't be solved:
In a nonlinear, but easy to solve equation system solve does not find a
solution. Example: Search for x1,x2,x3 and u1 in
Here I get no result, but only [ ]. Is this the same problem as in 1? As you
can see, the equations are not that complicated. If you go through by hand
(original system has order 8 and every 2 equations there are 2 new variables,
so this is possible, even if not handy), I get a solutions.
3. Uncomplete solve:
Sometimes (often in combination with trigonometrics) I get a solution, that is
quite near to the correct result. The output is 1-2 step(s) befor the final
result. e.g.: Try to solve the following equation in respect to u2.
v2 = sin(x3)*(u1^2*sin(u2)*sin(x3)+dv1*cos(u2))/(cos(u2)*cos(x3))
Just dividing with cos(u2) and applying atan(.) would be enough.
So please, can you tell me, what I am doing wrong?
Thank you in advance