how to make maxima create equation like i give in attachment

Thanks for your reply,

so from your guide, here what I come through,
block ([],
    if n=0
    then 0
I can get the equation for diff( f[2,1],s) and diff( f[2,2],s) respectively,

so next thing is, how can i make diff( f[2,1],s) and diff( f[2,2]) hold it
value?because when I type again diff( f[2,1],s) in maxima after give code
above, it gives zero. what i want do here is after i get equation diff(
f[2,1],s) i want to solve with both equation using ode method to get
function of f[2,1] and f[2,2] with f[2*n,k](0)=A, and value of x and A are
not zero...

On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 10:48 PM, Richard Fateman
<fateman at>wrote:

>  1. first of all, you already sent the pdf file to everyone.
> 2. Maxima notation does not have "superscripted" variables. However, it
> does allow any number of subscripts.
> Therefore you can encode your function as  f[2*n,k],  or even better to
> show the dependency on s,
> you can use the notation f[2*n,k](s).
> 3. The notation for derivatives is this:    diff(   f[2*n,k](s),  s).
> 4. The notation for square roots is   sqrt(n-k-1)
> 5.  If you want to make lists of equations, you can use makelist(). You can
> read about
> it by typing  ? makelist   in to the command line of wxmaxima, which I hope
> you are using.
> 6. If you plan to do anything with Maxima, I suggest you read a tutorial.
> It is not the same as TeX.
> On 1/4/2011 11:30 PM, razif razali wrote:
> General equation
>  df(2n_k) / ds = \psi [ (k-1) sqrt {n-k+2} f(2n_k-1) - k sqrt{n-k+1}
> f(2n_k+1)
>  with k = 1,2,3,4,5...n+1 , and n = 0,1,2,3,4...n
>  for n=0 , we will get df(0_1) / ds = 0
>  for n=1, we should get equation for df(2_1)/ds and df(2_2)/ds
>  and for n=2, we should get equation for df(4_1)/ds , df(4_2)/ds and
> df(4_3)/ds respectively.
>  For higher n it should follow the general equation and will generate n+1
> differential equation from it,
>  so what i want to do is, how to code in maxima and get all those
> differential equation from general equation by just giving maxima the value
> of n number.
>  hope someone can help me and sorry for bad writing in this email because
> i try to attach pdf file but then its too large for maxima newslater to
> broadcast it to all of you.
>  Thanks a lot, if someone need the pdf file, i'll sent those file directly
> to you when you reply this problem.
>  regards
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> Maxima mailing listMaxima at math.utexas.edu


Tutor & Master Student,
Physics Department,
Faculty Of Science,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia(UTM).