how to make maxima create equation like i give in attachment

On Thu, 6 Jan 2011, razif razali wrote:

< Thanks for your reply,
< so from your guide, here what I come through,
< ------------------
< df(n,k):=
< block ([],
< ?? ?if n=0
< ?? ?then 0
< ??else
< ??'diff(f[2*n,k],s)=x*((k-1)*sqrt(n-k+2)*f[2*n,k-1]-k*sqrt(n-k+1)*f[2*n,k+1])
< );
< makelist(df(1,k),k,1,2);
< ------------------------
< I can get the equation for diff( f[2,1],s) and diff( f[2,2],s) respectively,
< so next thing is, how can i make diff( f[2,1],s) and diff( f[2,2]) hold it value?because when I type again diff( f[2,1],s) in maxima after give code above, it gives
< zero. what i want do here is after i get equation diff( f[2,1],s) i want to solve with both equation using ode method to get function of f[2,1] and f[2,2] with
< f[2*n,k](0)=A, and value of x and A are not zero...
 The problem is that Maxima does not know that f[n,k] is a function of
 s, too. Here is a solution:

 df[n,k] := if n=0 then 0 else diff(f[2*n,k],s)=x*((k-1)*sqrt(n-k+2)*f[2*n,k-1]-k*sqrt(n-k+1)*f[2*n,k+1]);
 Note that I do not use 'diff, because the first line tells Maxima
 that f is a function of s. 

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