Enhancement to solve_rec.mac

Hello Andrej and users of solve_rec.mac,

A few months ago I tried to solve the following recurrence with
solve_rec, but it failed:

(%i1) display2d:false$
(%i2) load(solve_rec);
(%o2) "/usr/local/share/maxima/5.23.0/share/contrib/solve_rec/solve_rec.mac"
(%i3) solve_rec( c[n+1]=-n*c[n-1]/(n+1), c[n], c[0]=1, c[1]=2 );
(%o3) false

However, I noticed that this recurrence is actually two independent
recurrences: one recurrence for odd n, and one for even n.  If I break
them apart by hand, solve_rec is able to solve each one.

I added code to solve_rec to do this job automatically:

(%i4) load(solve_rec_mhw);
(%o4) "/home/mhw/.maxima/solve_rec_mhw.mac"
(%i5) solve_rec( c[n+1]=-n*c[n-1]/(n+1), c[n], c[0]=1, c[1]=2 );
(%t5) c_even[n] = -gamma(n/2+1/2)*(-1)^(n/2-1)/(sqrt(%pi)*(n/2)!)
(%t6) c_odd[n] = -sqrt(%pi)*((n-1)/2)!*(-1)^((n-1)/2-1)/gamma((n-1)/2+3/2)
(%o6) [%t5,%t6]

It can split recurrences not only into evens and odds, but into any
finite number of independent recurrences:

(%i7) solve_rec( c[n+1]=-n*c[n-2]/(n+1), c[n], c[0]=1, c[1]=2, c[2]=3 );
(%t7) c_0[n] = -gamma(n/3+2/3)*(-1)^(n/3-1)/(gamma(2/3)*(n/3)!)
(%t8) c_1[n] = -2*gamma(1/3)*((n-1)/3)!*(-1)^((n-1)/3-1)
(%t9) c_2[n] = -6*gamma(2/3)*gamma((n-2)/3+4/3)*(-1)^((n-2)/3-1)
(%o9) [%t7,%t8,%t9]

My patch follows.  Comments and suggestions welcome.  I'd especially be
interested in possible suggestions on how best to return these results
to the caller.


*** share/contrib/solve_rec/solve_rec-orig.mac	2009-10-05 03:21:50.000000000 -0400
--- share/contrib/solve_rec/solve_rec.mac	2010-11-02 21:14:32.000000000 -0400
*** 14,19 ****
--- 14,25 ----
   * ***   Version: 1.08                                                   *** *
   * ***   Author:  Andrej Vodopivec <andrejv at users.sourceforge.net>       *** *
   * ***                                                                   *** *
+  * ***   Modified by Mark H Weaver <mhw at netris.org> in November 2010     *** *
+  * ***   to solve recurrences in which the gcd of the index shifts is    *** *
+  * ***   greater than 1, such that the recurrence is equivalent to       *** *
+  * ***   multiple independent recurrences of lesser order, e.g.:         *** *
+  * ***   solve_rec( c[n+1]=-n*c[n-1]/(n+1), c[n], c[0]=1, c[1]=2 );      *** *
+  * ***                                                                   *** *
   * ************************************************************************* *
   *                                                                           *
   *                                                                           *
*** 96,101 ****
--- 102,112 ----
        map(lambda([%u], change_to_shift_op(%u, %f, %n)), args(expr)))
    else expr$
+ gcd_shift(expr) :=
+   if atom(expr) then 0
+   else if part(expr, 0)=shift_op then part(expr, 3)
+   else first(apply('ezgcd, map('gcd_shift, args(expr))))$
  max_shift(expr) :=
    if atom(expr) then -inf
    else if part(expr, 0)=shift_op then part(expr, 3)
*** 156,161 ****
--- 167,217 ----
    to_standard_form1(tmp, %n, m)
+ /**************************************************************************
+  *
+  * reduce the order of a recurrence whose shifts have a gcd > 1
+  *
+  *************************************************************************/
+ srec_reduce_order(expr) :=
+   if atom(expr) then (
+     if expr=%n then (%nn * %mult) + %offset
+     else expr
+   )
+   else if part(expr, 0)='shift_op then (
+     if part(expr, 2)=%n
+     then funmake('shift_op, [%ff, %nn, part(expr, 3) / %mult])
+     else expr
+   )
+   else if member(part(expr, 0), ["+", "-", "*", "/", "^"])
+   then apply(part(expr, 0), map('srec_reduce_order, args(expr)))
+   else subst(%n = (%nn * %mult) + %offset, expr)$
+ srec_reduce_order_cond1(cond) :=
+   if part(cond,0)#"=" or part(cond,1,0)#%f or
+      length(part(cond,1))#1 or not integerp(part(cond,1,1))
+   then error("Invalid solve_rec condition", cond)
+   else block ([newidx : (part(cond,1,1) - %offset) / %mult],
+     if integerp(newidx)
+     then [ substpart(%ff, substpart(newidx,cond,1,1), 1, 0) ]
+     else []
+   )$
+ srec_reduce_order_conds(conds) :=
+   apply('append, map(srec_reduce_order_cond1, conds))$
+ srec_finalize_reduced_order_sol(expr) :=
+   if atom(expr) then (
+     if expr=%nn then (%n - %offset) / %mult
+     else expr
+   )
+   else if part(expr,0)=%ff then (
+     srec_finalize_reduced_order_sol(part(expr,1)) * %mult + %offset,
+     substpart(%%, fn, 1),
+     substpart(%fff, %%, 0)
+   )
+   else if mapatom(expr) then expr
+   else map('srec_finalize_reduced_order_sol, expr)$
*** 164,170 ****
  solve_rec(eq, fn, [cond]) := block(
!   [std_form, %f, %n, deg, ord, hyper_to_product : true, sol : false],
    if atom(fn) then return(false),
    if length(fn)#1 then return(false),
    %f : part(fn, 0),
--- 220,227 ----
  solve_rec(eq, fn, [cond]) := block(
!   [std_form, %f, %n, deg, ord, %mult,
!    hyper_to_product : true, sol : false],
    if atom(fn) then return(false),
    if length(fn)#1 then return(false),
    %f : part(fn, 0),
*** 175,189 ****
    std_form : to_standard_form(eq, %f, %n),
    std_form : expand(num(ratsimp(std_form))),
!   ord : differ_order(std_form),
!   if ord=1 then sol : solve_rec_order_1(std_form, %f, %n, cond)
!   else sol : solve_rec_gen(std_form, %f, %n, cond),
!   if sol=false then false
!   else (
!     if listp(sol) then sol
!     else fn=sol
--- 232,272 ----
    std_form : to_standard_form(eq, %f, %n),
    std_form : expand(num(ratsimp(std_form))),
!   %mult : gcd_shift(std_form),
!   if %mult=1 then (
!     ord : differ_order(std_form),
!     if ord=1 then sol : solve_rec_order_1(std_form, %f, %n, cond)
!     else sol : solve_rec_gen(std_form, %f, %n, cond),
!     if sol=false then false
!     else (
!       if listp(sol) then sol
!       else fn=sol
!     )
!   ) else block(
!     [ %nn : ?gensym(), %ff : ?gensym(), %fff,
!       reduced_form, reduced_cond, solns : [] ],
!     for %offset:0 thru %mult-1 do (
!       if %mult # 2 then %fff : concat(%f, "_", %offset)
!       else if %offset = 0 then %fff : concat(%f, "_even")
!       else %fff : concat(%f, "_odd"),
!       reduced_form : srec_reduce_order(std_form),
!       reduced_cond : srec_reduce_order_conds(cond),
!       ord : differ_order(reduced_form),
!       if ord=1 then sol : solve_rec_order_1(reduced_form, %ff, %nn, reduced_cond)
!       else sol : solve_rec_gen(reduced_form, %ff, %nn, reduced_cond),
!       if sol#false and not listp(sol) then sol : arraymake(%ff,[%nn])=sol,
!       sol : srec_finalize_reduced_order_sol(sol),
!       solns : cons(sol, solns)
!     ),
!     solns : reverse(solns),
!     apply('ldisp, solns)