Body of For Loop

You probably want to do.

for i from 1 thru 10 do (
    p : i,
    specificEquations : myEquations,

In a program the syntax is a little different since commas indicate the end 
of a statement (in a program).


-----Original Message----- 
From: Michael Knudsen
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 2:30 PM
To: maxima at
Subject: Body of For Loop


I have a list of equations called myEquations, and they all depend on
a single parameter p. Using a command like

specificEquations : myEquations, p = 1;

one gets a new list, specificEquations, containing the original
equations with 1 substituted for the variable p. So far, so good!
However, if I try to do something similar in a for loop, something
strange happens.

for i from 1 thru 10 do (

(specificEquations : myEquations, p = i),


Here all print statements yield the same output, which is just
myEquations with no value substituted for p.

What am I missing here? Thanks in advance!

Michael Knudsen

Michael Knudsen
micknudsen at
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