hyperbolic functions

Another possibility:

 (%i45) exp_to_tanh(e) := subst("^" = lambda([a,x], if a = '%e then (1 + tanh(x/2))/(1 - tanh(x/2)) else a^x),e)$

 (%i47) ratsimp(exp_to_tanh( y = (%e^(2*x)+1)/(%e^(2*x)-1)+%c));
 (%o47) y=(%c*tanh(x)+1)/tanh(x)

 (%i50) exp_to_tanh( y = x^2/9 + exp(x^2));
 (%o50) y=(tanh(x^2/2)+1)/(1-tanh(x^2/2))+x^2/9

Of course, it would be much better do the exp --> tanh substitution only when the result is something that 
is more appealing (aka simplified). 


-----maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu wrote: -----

><nijso at numerically-related.com>?wrote: