syntax error in maxima-init.mac

On Jan. 11, 2011, Ronald F. Modesitt wrote:
I would appreciate your review of my maxima-init.mac file. The file executes 
properly. Environment variables for userdir, tempdir, and file_search_... 
are set and Professor Woollett's mbe1util file is executed on boot of 
wxMaxima.  However,  the two disp() and print() functions do not result in 
output. I have reviewed the manual for display variables that may affect 
these functions but do not see anything specific. Therefore I assume I have 
a syntax error (nothing new to me). I would appreciate your review and 

maxima_userdir : "/home/ron/MaximaWork"$
maxima_tempdir : "/home/ron/Maxima_temp"$
file_search_maxima : append(file_search_maxima, 
file_search_lisp : 
load (mbe1util)$
disp("Welcome Master")$
print(" mbe1util.mac functions ", functions)$
disp ("Maxima is the Future!")$
The disp and print commands display correctly using XMaxima
but I get no response when I use wxmaxima (which I rarely use).

The wxmaxima experts must have the solution.

Best Wishes,
Ted Woollett