syntax error in maxima-init.mac

Professor Woollett,
Thank you for the reply to my maxima-init problem. I'd like some clarification:

(1) Are you using the GUI interface to XMaxima? 

(2) I get the same results in the XMaxima GUI as with wxMaxima. However, the terminal command line environment for XMaxima does show the results of the disp() command.

(3) What screen resolution do you use in the XMaxima GUI? I don't care for the results but that may be the X interface.

I really appreciate your MBE documents. I began with those after a couple of years away from Maxima remembering how well they guide the user. I was pleased to see that they have been updated as well.

I recently discovered a new application called SMath Studio, which has a GUI much like Matlab. It is a native Windows application and runs well under XP. I am also using it under Linux and Mono with good results. It seems to fit the engineering environment better than Maxima. Have you tested this product?

Many thanks again,
