next_prime(113) = 121 with Ecl 11.1.1 !

primep seems to work with Ecl 11.1.1, only next_prime
yields false results.
And since I get the same results for Maxima 5.21.1 and 5.23.2,
it seems not depending on the Maxima version.

So likely an Ecl bug.



On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 09:18:12AM -0800, Joerg Rauh wrote:
> Hello Oliver,
> using Maxima 5.22.1 I ran
> s:0$
> for i: 1 while i<=1000 
> do if primep(i) then (s:s+1, print(i, s));
> The last line displays: 997  168
> So you might consider using version 5.22.1
> Best of luck and best regards
> Joerg
> ________________________________
> From: Oliver Kullmann <O.Kullmann at>
> To: maxima at
> Sent: Thu, January 20, 2011 5:14:35 PM
> Subject: next_prime(113) = 121 with Ecl 11.1.1 !
> Hello,
> Maxima 5.21.1 as well as 5.23.2, built with Ecl 11.1.1,
> has a completely corrupted next_prime function, e.g.
> next_prime(113) = 121 = 11^2
> (determining all "primes" within {1,...,1000} yields 231
> "primes", while there are 168).
> Don't know whether this is an Ecl or a Maxima (or a joint) problem.
> Would be good to find out.
> In any case, it would be good if Maxima had tests which would catch
> these failures (for example determining all primes within an interval,
> and counting them).
> Best regards
> Oliver
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> Maxima mailing list
> Maxima at
Dr. Oliver Kullmann
Computer Science Department
Swansea University
Faraday Building, Singleton Park
Swansea SA2 8PP, UK