Matthew Gwynne <mathew.gwynne at> wrote:
> In our work, we make quite a lot of use of functions such as
> random_permutation for various experiments. In certain instances where
> performance is a big issue, we'd like to implement parts of the system
> in C++. However, we'd like to make sure that anything we write matches
> up with what we have at the Maxima level.
> To be able to do this, we need to know how the function
> random_permutation works to be able to replicate it in C++.
> Could anyone point me to some relevant documentation or maybe point me
> to some code for how these are implemented?
The code for random_permutation is in maxima/src/nset.lisp:
(defun $random_permutation (a)
(if ($listp a)
(setq a (copy-list (cdr a)))
(setq a (copy-list (require-set a "$random_permutation"))))
(let ((n (length a)))
(dotimes (i n)
((j (+ i ($random (- n i))))
(tmp (nth i a)))
(setf (nth i a) (nth j a))
(setf (nth j a) tmp))))
`((mlist) , at a))
Here's a translation into pseudo-code, with zero-based arrays:
random_permutation(array a1)
a <-- copy_array(a1);
n <-- length(a);
for i from 0 to n-1 do
j <-- random integer (such that i <= j < n);
The random number generator used here is Mersenne Twister, MT19937, due
to Makoto Matsumoto and T. Nishimura, "Mersenne twister: A
623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform pseudorandom number
generator.", ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 1997.