foreign language patch for build-index+cl-ppcre branch

On Sun, 20 Feb 2011, Robert Dodier wrote:

< I've attached a patch for the build-index+cl-ppcre branch in Git.
< From what I can tell, characters in languages other than
< English aren't displayed correctly by ? and ??;
< the problem is that the code reads bytes instead of
< characters from the .info files.
< This patch fixes that problem, I hope. Also there are some
< related changes to the build machinery (makefiles).
 Thanks for the patches, Robert.

 I committed the patches to the Makefiles and build-index.lisp
 separately, and pushed the changes to that branch.

 I am not sure that this patch is correct, though: it seems
 to me that it might be better to handle the info files as
 byte streams and let Maxima/Lisp handle the display/encoding
 in the info and info-exact functions (at the moment, these are
 using format to print the info).

 As always, I am keen to hear feedback.


 How to get the patches

 1. if you have already cloned the git repo, then cd to
 the top dir of your local repo and do

 git pull
 git checkout build-index+cl-ppcre

 2. otherwise,

 git clone git://
 git checkout build-index+cl-ppcre
 Then build Maxima as you normally would from HEAD.

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