foreign language patch for build-index+cl-ppcre branch

On 2/21/11, Leo Butler <l.butler at> wrote:

>  I am not sure that this patch is correct, though: it seems
>  to me that it might be better to handle the info files as
>  byte streams and let Maxima/Lisp handle the display/encoding
>  in the info and info-exact functions (at the moment, these are
>  using format to print the info).

Well, I dunno. Maybe there's a way to get string coercion
to collapse successive bytes in an array into characters,
but as it happens the implementation in src/build-index.lisp
namely (map 'string #'code-char code-vec) didn't do it.

As it stands, non-English characters are displayed correctly
and before they weren't. I don't know what else to say. <shrug>


Robert Dodier