Trying to build maxima from CVS

On 02/22/2011 08:33 AM, Robert Dodier wrote:
> On 2/19/11, Leo Butler<l.butler at>  wrote:
>>   However, I think that cl-ppcre simply uses features of common lisp that
>>   gcl does not support. Rather than try to shoehorn cl-ppcre into an ill
>>   fitting gcl shoe, I've been working on extending the nregex code so
>>   that more modern lisps can use cl-ppcre+build-index while gcl can use
>>   nregex+build-index. This seems quite feasible--and with a few tweaks,
>>   the nregex regexes can be quite fast in gcl.
> Well, I can't tell you what to work on, but I have to say I'm
> not really happy about having two implementations of a large
> blob of code.
> Frankly I'm inclined to just forge ahead and if some new code
> doesn't suit GCL, then that's a reason not to use GCL.
> I guess if you want to extend nregex, then that's great,
> we can use nregex for all Lisp implementations.
> But let's avoid having two regex implementations.
> best
> Robert Dodier

I, for one, am pleased that Leo is putting the effort into keeping GCL 
viable with Maxima even if it's not the mainstream distribution. From my 
standpoint as a not-so-capable Maxima user, I find GCL the fastest of 
the lisps I've used with Maxima and I think it would be a loss to see it 
phased out. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know the intricacies of what 
it would take to keep GCL up to date with other lisps, but maybe if some 
of the experts on the Maxima mailing list were to ask Camm Maguire 
nicely, some progress could be made in that direction. In general, I've 
found that where there's a need, there's usually a solution forthcoming...

By the way, I've begun to look at the lisp programming language by 
installing 'slime' for use with 'emacs' to go through a lisp tutorial 
I've discovered. The language looks intriguing, but quite different from 
other languages I've tried. I wonder how long it will take me to get 
somewhat proficient with lisp so I can actually do something usable. 
Emacs seems to be the most complex editor I've ever used and that's a 
learning experience all by itself.
